4 Great Strategies for Networking in a Remote Setting – Career & Professional Development

4 great strategies for networking in a remote environment Originally published in Firsthand.

As hybrid and remote roles become more in demand, many workers find themselves spending much more time at home. Of course, there are various advantages to working from home; However, there are fewer opportunities to make personal connections. Luckily for us, there are many interesting ways we can build our professional network while working remotely. Here are some creative strategies you can try.

Continue your hobbies

Whether you join a local sports team, visit the comic book store every Wednesday to retrieve your pull list, or regularly play live shows with your rock band, there are many opportunities to meet and talk to new people. The best part about using your hobbies as a networking tool is that you’ll meet people who share your interests and values. Plus, hobbies that get you out of the house are the best antidote to feeling trapped at home at work all day.

Of course, you will meet a lot of people who may make great new friends, but there is a chance that some of the people you talk to are following a similar career path. Here you can learn more about your craft, share stories and find exciting new opportunities through your efforts. Putting yourself out there in this way can be a little nerve-wracking, but the more you do it, the more confidence you’ll build and the easier it will be to strike up conversations – it’s essential to effective networking.

Attend webinars

Webinars are great because you can attend them from the comfort of your own home without the hassle of travel time and expense. Additionally, webinars are great for those who feel more comfortable in a virtual environment as opposed to attending in-person events. It is important to remember that when it comes to these events you will get out what you put in, so be sure to speak up and make yourself known.

A simple Google search will help you identify upcoming webinars related to your field, or any number of topics that interest you. If you’re feeling extra diligent, you can even host your own webinar through a variety of different platforms. Keep in mind that some platforms may require payment for their services, so do your research on which ones work best for you. There’s quite a bit of interest in hosting your own networking events, so we’ll delve into that with much more vigor in the near future.

Leverage social media

There are several different ways to use your social media accounts to build your professional network. First, you can search for groups that are relevant to your field and spend some time participating in the discussions. These groups are also a good place to look for the webinars mentioned above.

A lot of companies are taking to Instagram to host live content that acts as a sort of “mini-webinar,” and these are great networking opportunities. Not only can you connect with companies you admire, but you’ll have the opportunity to meet all kinds of people in a live setting. These settings are great because anything can happen, and audience participation can lead to all kinds of interesting scenarios. Just imagine having the top comment – you never know who might contact you!

Another great way to leverage your social media accounts is to connect with your alumni community on LinkedIn. You may have noticed that when you search for jobs on LinkedIn, you’ll get an alert when graduates from your college work for the company you’re applying to. This is a great way to build your network, and you might even be able to ask for a referral and get the inside track to a great job! Yes friends, social media interactions can lead to all kinds of great things, and I can personally attest to that.

Start a podcast

It might seem scary at first, but it’s actually a great way to meet people if you think about it the right way. Here, we’re not looking for instant e-fame and all the expensive cars and sponsorship deals that come with it, but a tool to let you get your thoughts and feelings in and hopefully start a conversation.

Podcasts are also great for guest appearances, and you might be able to convince people in your network to come and talk to you about all sorts of topics related to your industry and interests. Of course, preparing yourself to start a podcast will take time, research, and at least some money, but if you’re the type of person who isn’t afraid to get out there and take risks, this is a great way to network. Even if you’re on the shy side this can be a great exercise – you might find you’re great at it!

When it comes to networking in a remote environment, it’s important to think creatively. Some of these strategies are great for introverts because they eliminate the need for in-person interactions, but there is great value in getting out of the house and having a few face-to-face conversations. This is why something like pursuing your hobbies is included in this list, as having at least a few personal interactions will serve you well when you decide to go for job interviews. Bottom line, you need to find the combination of strategies that works best for you.


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