Answers To Describe What You’re Most Excited About At Work

“Describe what you are most excited about at work” is a unique interview question that many candidates are not prepared for. While this may not seem difficult to answer from afar, it is deceptively complicated to deal with on the spot.

This guide will teach you how to come up with an impressive response that makes the interviewer eager to learn more about you.

The reasons interviewers ask this question

Describing what you’re passionate about at work helps hiring managers determine your suitability for the position you’re interviewing for. The question seems simple at face value, but it reveals more about who you are as an employee than most realize.

This question boils down to job satisfaction and understanding what factors make up a positive work experience for you.

But why does it matter?

Ultimately, employers want to bring people into the company who will be naturally motivated to perform. They don’t want people who are just there for a paycheck, or worse, people who are unhappy doing the job they are hired to do. If you’re excited to come to work every day, there’s a better chance you’ll put in a lot of effort and stay a lot longer than if you weren’t.

Hiring a new employee is a big investment. If hiring managers have even a hint that this position is only temporary or doesn’t fit your needs, they’re more likely to pass on a candidate who will enjoy their time at the company. They want to invest in employees who are passionate about work and the company!

Asking you to describe what you are passionate about at work helps them understand the situations you enjoy in the workplace and what helps you achieve a high level of professional fulfillment and performance. It can also shed light on what drives you to succeed and how you will fit into the work environment, company culture, and more.

There are many layers to this question, but ultimately it gives interviewers an easier way to gauge how easily you’ll fit into the role while being happy and successful.

How to answer, “Describe what you are most excited about at work”

There are many ways to approach answering this question. It’s open in design, giving you the freedom to reveal the information interviewers are looking for in a less structured way.

So how do you deliver a knockout response that works in your favor? Here are some tips to follow.

1. Do a little brainstorming

The first thing you should do is think about what makes you feel satisfied at work. Professional satisfaction is completely subjective. There is no right or wrong answer, and what motivates you may not be what motivates someone else.

The key to describing what excites you at work is to fully understand what makes you happy in the job. There are many great examples. For example, it can be a healthy work environment that fosters cooperation and teamwork.

Alternatively, it could be a solid work-life balance, gaining opportunities to further develop your career, employee-sponsored benefits or an opportunity to advance within the company. These are concrete examples that many people talk about when answering this question.

Think about what is most important to you. You can even think about previous jobs to determine what you like and don’t like. The important thing is to reflect on the things that make you leave work feeling satisfied and accomplished.

An answer to this question does not concern the specific aspects of the position. You can certainly talk about certain elements of the job, such as being able to help people or getting opportunities to work as part of a team. However, your answer should focus on what brings you the most joy.

Ideally, you already know what the role entails. This question revolves around satisfaction and motivation in the workplace. Think beyond the day-to-day and focus on what excites you most in your work and career.

2. Find connections between what excites you at work and the job you want

Here you need to study the job description and do your research.

While this question focuses on your satisfaction and happiness, this is still a job interview! You still need to impress hiring managers and provide a great answer. The best way to do this is to attract connections to the position you are interviewing for, and show that it is a job you would love to do.

Examine the job description and do a deep dive to learn as much as possible about the position. You can search for similar job postings, research the company itself, and contact people currently working in the organization. Learn as much as you can to get a full picture of what you can expect working there.

Then, find ways to tie what excites you to the work you want. Think about what initially attracted you to this position and connect the dots. You might even learn more about what really matters to you.

Maybe this role gives you lots of opportunities to contribute to big projects that boost the bottom line. Or maybe it comes with the amazing opportunity to work with other high performers who keep you motivated to succeed as much as possible.

Anyway, upload it! Connect the dots to the interview and show them why this job is for you.

3. Keep your answer brief

Open questions can run long. There is no hyper-targeted response that will provide the information interviewers need. As a result, many candidates find themselves floundering!

Resist the urge to give a lengthy answer. Ideally, you should be able to discuss what excites you most at work in two minutes or less.

Keep it short and sweet. Remove unnecessary details and cut to the end.

This question often leads to follow-ups from the interviewer. There is nothing wrong with that. In fact, it may be that you have provided a convincing answer that requires more information.

It is better to leave room for follow-up questions than to run for a long time. Get to the bottom of your response, and if the interviewer wants to learn more, they’ll ask.

4. Practice

Always practice your answer before going to your interview. This is not a question you want to think about. It is multi-layered and more important than simpler questions.

It deserves a lot of thought and preparation.

Take time to develop a solid response and practice delivering it in several ways. But you shouldn’t have a canned response that you recite word for word. Doing so seems inauthentic.

Instead, know what points you want to hit when giving your answer. You can make a list of things you want to say and memorize them. Then, feel comfortable talking about what naturally moves you.

Confidence is key here. Practice enough to avoid stuttering or making long pauses. You must respond with conviction to show that you have thought about this question and the work.

Common mistakes when answering

Now that you know how to successfully answer this question, let’s talk about some common mistakes candidates make. Open-ended questions like this have a lot of room for error. Avoid these mistakes to ensure your answer works in your favor.

Unprofessional comments

This question is only about what excites you at work. Talking about personal matters will make you look unprofessional.

We are talking about answers like:

“The thing that excites me the most is the clock out at the end of the day. It gives me motivation.”

This answer, and everything related to it, will do nothing but hurt you. This is a huge red flag. You should also avoid talking about your personal life. Stick to professional excitement!

Financial incentives

Another thing to avoid is talking too much about money. It’s fine to bring up benefits and other things the company does to reward hard workers, but focusing your answer only on money will come across the wrong way.

This can send a signal that you are only there to get paid. This is not what employers want to hear. They prefer it when candidates get real satisfaction from their work.

Uncertain answers

Finally, avoid answers like:

“I’m not really sure. I don’t get excited at work. I just show up, do what I’m supposed to do and go home.”

You have to have something you are passionate about! An answer like the one above doesn’t provide any information about how you fit into the company or your ability to find happiness in the job. Plus, it looks unprepared.

Sample answers

There are many great ways to answer this question. And while your response should be unique to your true motives, we’ve got a few examples to get you started.

Example 1

In our first example, we have a candidate who likes to work with others. This response is a knockout because it ticks all the boxes. The candidate explains why they are excited about collaborating with colleagues and how this position can fulfill their desires.

“The thing that excites me most at work is the opportunity to collaborate as part of a team. There is something special about working with others towards a great common goal. It is great to see that my work contributes to the growth of the company.

Collaborating with others is something I enjoy. It makes my day and provides real satisfaction. Seeing the finished product always makes me feel proud.

I know collaboration is a big deal here [COMPANY]And I’m excited to be a part of that kind of team.”

Example 2

Next, we have a candidate with a more unusual response. But despite its unorthodox nature, it works perfectly for the administrative work they are trying to achieve. It’s easy to connect this answer to the job, and prove to the hiring managers that they will get satisfaction from the job.

“It may sound strange, but staying organized and helping others get their work done is something that excites me. I have worked in administrative jobs for the past few years, and I enjoy staying organized. From keeping the office untidy to helping others with their projects, I feel satisfied after a long day.

I find joy in helping the office run smoothly. Even though my job doesn’t directly affect the bottom line, I know that doing a good job keeps the office productive. This is my indirect way of contributing to the success of the company, and that is why I believe that this is a role in which I can really succeed.”

Example 3

Finally, we have a candidate who enjoys the prospect of a challenge. They are interviewing for a complex role that involves significant problem solving. So, they use this question as an opportunity to prove to hiring managers that they have what it takes to not only succeed but thrive.

“I have discovered over the last few years that the thing that brings me the most excitement at work is the ability to challenge myself. I have worked in several positions that had little change in the daily routine.

I thrive in environments where I have to think creatively. I see this as an opportunity to push myself and advance my professional development. While others fear challenges, I embrace them and relish the opportunity to adapt and overcome any situation.

This is one of the reasons why I was so drawn to this position. From what I’ve learned, this job keeps people on their toes! I’m excited to push myself, try new approaches and find solutions that drive progress.”


It takes some brainstorming to describe what you’re most excited about at work in a way that will impress your interviewer. But once you’ve developed a response you’re happy with, you’ll be surprised by the feedback you’ll receive.

Take stock, connect your excitement to the job you want, and practice.



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