Category: Salary Negotiation

Salary Negotiation for Job Seekers (Best Practice Tips)

As career professionals, we know that job seekers, even at the managerial level, find the salary negotiation process daunting. This tips page will help your clients understand the basics of salary...

a Guide for Remote Candidates

Part of a series: Setting yourself up for success as a remote...

How To Successfully Negotiate Salary With A Recruiter

One of my roles as a career coach is to help you see things from the recruiter's point of view. I was actually in the recruitment industry before I became a...

Let’s Talk Money – Copeland Coaching

One of the hot topics in the news right now is salary. It's about time, isn't it? There are many people who earn the same salary for years. Employers...

A Raise During a Pandemic? Consider These Strategies

Since we are still in the midst of an epidemic, the employee will have to carefully assess whether he should request a raise. ...

Sometimes It’s Not Ageism, It’s Economics

Sometimes it's not gilism, it's economics "It's Gilism!" This is the response I get when I ask senior job seekers why they think they are experiencing challenges in their job search ... when they...
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