Convincing Cover Letter For an Office Manager

Businesses really rely on office managers to keep moving forward. A skilled office manager works with suppliers from cleaning companies, security suppliers, repair teams and more. They ensure that people have the equipment they need for work and that the office environment is pleasant and productive. This is in addition to handling services and purchasing office equipment as needed.

If you’re considering this line of work, you better come with a well-prepared job application package. One that includes a compelling cover letter. How do you create one? Use our sample cover letter below and some helpful writing tips!

Example of a cover letter from an office manager (Word)

Download example (.docx)

Cover letter for an office manager (plain text)

Hello Simon Ellis,

My name is Nancy Reynolds and I am interested in the office manager position at Frost Foods. I learned about this position while attending a job fair at the University of South Florida and speaking with your recruiter David Wells. As requested, I have also attached a copy of my CV.

Currently, I am employed as the Facilities Coordinator at the Griffin Insurance Group. Although the title may not match exactly, I perform almost every role that is normally assigned to an office manager. These include:

  • Coordinating office maintenance and equipment repairs
  • Management of service accounts, cleaning and catering teams in the office
  • Ordering office equipment on behalf of other staff members
  • Meeting room scheduling
  • Planning and managing business trips

I pride myself on ensuring that everyone I work with enjoys a comfortable work environment and remains in an uplifted mood.

My experience at Griffin Insurance Group along with my AAS degree in Business Administration allowed me to develop the type of skills you are looking for. I have good digital literacy skills and am familiar with tools such as Google Workspace, Office 365, Asana, TripIt and Shiftnote.

My current employer also noted my strong time management and conflict resolution skills. Furthermore, I am able to learn new skills and technologies quickly, and I am willing to learn any tools or applications used by your business.

Frost Foods has been a part of the Springfield community since I was a child. While I was preparing my application for this position, I was excited to learn that this facility was in the process of being converted to solar energy. In my current role I managed my employer’s transition to solar energy. This included setting up accounts with a solar energy supplier and managing relationships with solar installation teams.

My schedule is open every day after 4pm. In addition, I have full availability on Fridays. Will it be possible to schedule an interview? I am excited about this role and would love to move on to the next level.


Nancy Reynolds

How to write a cover letter for an office management position

Office management roles require strong organizational and management skills, along with some general business acumen. However: Many employers are also open to hiring candidates with transferable work experience, making it a great choice for entry-level candidates and/or recent graduates.

The purpose of your cover letter is to show that you are a dedicated, proactive and responsible person, able to systematically handle the day-to-day office management process. The following tips should help you create this type of narrative for your office manager cover letter.

Show that you can run a modern office

Work in the office has changed significantly, especially in recent years. So is the role of an office manager.

Some 63% of the companies are in high growth Adopt the hybrid workplace model, meaning that employees work both on-site and off-site. Also, those with a larger office workforce are looking at constantly optimizing employee experiences by incorporating more technology into facility management.

To be employable, an office manager must be familiar with digital platforms for communication, collaboration and scheduling. So be sure to highlight your digital literacy skills in your cover letter and resume. These include knowledge of specific project management/facilities management software, basic coding knowledge, digital research skills, social media management and more.

Connect your experience with the new job

Sometimes, job titles aren’t enough to show you have the right skills and experience. For example, the person in the letter above did not hold the title of office manager. Instead, they were a facilities coordinator. So, they worked to clear up any confusion by mentioning this, showing how their job as a facilities coordinator matched well with that of an office manager.

If you also come from a different background, don’t be afraid to mention it. Detail how your past work experiences (eg in customer service or retail) can be transferred to an office manager position. Connect the dots for the reader.

Give a specific example

Find an opportunity to show that you can add value to the office right away. In this case, the applicant did some research to find out that the office they contacted converted to solar energy. They shared that they helped their previous employer go solar, including managing the new service account and working with the installation team. Do some background research on your own to see if you can find a similar “connection” with a company you’re applying to.

Last tip: help the employer plan the next step

A great cover letter creates momentum. Now, it’s up to you to take advantage of it. Be proactive in promoting things. Close your letter by informing them of your availability, confirming your interest, and asking to schedule an interview. Doing so shows that you are a serious candidate, not just a “tire kicker”. This will often be the driving factor that gets you to the interview!


  • Elena has been managing content operations at Freesumes since 2017. She works closely with guest copywriters, designers and career experts to ensure all content meets our highest editorial standards. Currently, she has written over 200 career-related pieces around resume writing, career advice… More


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