Free the Village – Career Development Partners

Beowulf, the old English poem, establishes an interesting parallel for more effective operational leadership. Beowulf, the champion commissioned by the king of the Danes, frees the village from the beast Grendel and the people flourish again. “Grendals” creep into all organizations as people, processes or systems. These monsters can limit innovation, productivity and talent.

The king of the Danes, after continued attacks, realized that it was his responsibility to kill the animals and restore order to the land. Think about it: How afraid of animals are today’s leaders? Performance coaches are often hired to address people who misbehave, processes that don’t work, and systems that aren’t efficient. Processes and systems take time to fix, and usually, the end yields better and more sustainable results. But what to do with those people who behave badly?

What are the consequences of not dealing with people of the disruptive behavior? Whether they are teenagers on the street, office workers or family.

Do you tolerate bad behavior?

Many leaders tolerate bad behavior because they fear the consequences. Leaders need to ask themselves “What are the consequences of not dealing with the bad behavior?” To build perspective around the issue, consider the disruption in the organization. A disruptor is someone who produces unsupported or disturbed views of society, its leaders or peers, regardless of the guidance or support they have received. The disruptor is unhappy and thinks the organization is responsible for its happiness (or unhappiness), and generally wants to condescend to skeptical colleagues. Despite attempts to engage the skeptic and overcome objections, he or she continues to get in the way. Suddenly, the swamp has an increasing number of Grendels and not enough Beowulfs.

As a leader if you are not willing to deal with the distraction to your organization, you will be held hostage to the disruptor and the behavior will win. As a leader, do you want to be a victim or the king of the Danes?

For most leaders, the answer is obvious. But in practice, many leaders succumb to the path of least resistance… tell the villagers to stay home. So I’m telling you something you already know. And while you may hate reading the obvious, healthy reminders often give us the momentum to do what we subconsciously know needs to be done. Free the village!

3 steps to free the village before it’s too late.

  1. Don’t ignore negative control behavior. Leaders are responsible for results including bottom line revenue, and are also responsible for employee development and a constructive culture. The latter will improve the culture.
  2. Address the unwanted behavior immediately, discreetly and factually. Don’t get involved in arguments. Help them see the behavior and correct it.
  3. Don’t let the disruptors rob you of your success. One of the most difficult tasks for a leader is deciding when to terminate or discipline. Sometimes, when behavior can’t or won’t change, you have to make the right decision. Your people deserve your leadership and need and want you to lead. When you fire someone, let him or her know why. It is easy to claim employment at will or restructuring or punishment as a reason for termination. But is that the message you want your people to hear?

If you are afraid or perhaps unsure how to free the village, do what the King of the Danes did: get help from your Beowulf (the resource or legal team). Asking for help is a sign of a good leader! to be strong and brave; It’s time to kill the animals and free the village.

I love this poem about Beowulf and started thinking more deeply about this not only for businesses but also for schools, communities and cities. Our streets are flooded with disorder and violence. The time has come for the leaders to step up and take care of the liberation of the villages.

If you’re struggling with disruptive behavior in your organization, don’t hesitate to ask Career Development Partners for help. Our team of experts can assist with outplacement services, human resource development and leadership training to help you free your village from disruptive forces and create a more constructive culture. Contact us today to learn more.


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