How Corporate America is Stealing From You as An Employee (and Customer!)

Ignoring the promotion you deserve can cause feelings of anger, frustration and disappointment. What’s even worse is the burden and responsibility of someone above your position without a corresponding pay raise or change.

New JobSage survey indicates that this is exactly what is happening in businesses all over the country. This phenomenon known as “silent promotion”, refers to employers who give employees additional responsibilities without the benefits of a real promotion.

Of the over 1,000 full-time workers we surveyed, a whopping 78% experienced increased workload without additional compensation. Most don’t like it. In fact, more than half (57%) felt manipulated or taken advantage of when asked to do more work.

However, employers seem to benefit from the practice of silent promotion: almost two-thirds (63%) of companies would suffer if employees refused to go above and beyond.

Industries that will most likely advance you “quietly”.

While silent promotions can happen in any workplace, some industries engage in this practice more than others. The two worst offenders on our list are art and design (89%) and hospitality (89%), followed by food service (88%) and government (88%). As many teachers already know, even those who work in education (81%) are expected to have a higher workload without a higher salary.

It’s probably not surprising, then, that only one of these fields (art and design) makes our list of industries where workers “thrive” the most. That’s because after work-life balance (46%) and work itself (32%), career advancement (22%) came in third for what “thriving” at work looks like to employees.

The warning signs of silent operations

Whether you suspect you’ve received a “silent promotion” or have never thought of it that way, there are a few signs that you’re working above your pay grade.

If a manager has asked you to take on a job above your job title, you have something in common with nearly three-quarters (73%) of our survey respondents. Another fairly clear sign that you have been quietly promoted is taking a job after a co-worker above you has left, and this is an experience that 67% of the respondents in our survey had.

Maybe you think your superiors want to take advantage of your work ethic, but don’t want to actually give you a promotion. You may be right. Another sign to watch out for is a heavier workload, higher expectations and/or more responsibility than others working at the same level as you. Over two-thirds (68%) of the workers surveyed reported that they have more work than others in the same position.

How companies get away with silent promotions

So how does corporate America get workers to do extra work for no extra pay? The fear of losing one’s job can of course play a role, but the justifications are often much more subtle. Employees may take on a higher workload due to seasonal or staffing pressures, to help a colleague, or to curry favor with the boss. In fact, nearly 7 in 10 (68%) have taken on additional tasks in hopes of a promotion.

A paltry 22% actively resisted their employer’s attempts to quietly promote them, such as refusing to do extra work without extra pay. The reason more employees don’t get a real promotion is not for lack of desire on their part. Our survey showed that 63% of employees want a promotion or a different role in their organization.

The good news

The good news is that work seems to be changing. All the talk about “quiet resignations”, “quiet layoffs” and now “quiet promotions” indicate a growing awareness of the disconnect between employers and employees. Employees know what they want, and at least some employers give it to them. In fact, 63% of our survey respondents now reported “thriving” in their roles.

What creates the right conditions for thriving in the workplace? The two most important factors reported by employees are work-life balance (60%) and enjoyment of work (46%). Other ideal conditions include flexible hours (43%) and a comfortable salary (41%). Employees also believe they work best under supportive managers (41%) who trust employees, recognize their achievements, and understand their needs.

Build a strong bridge between employee and employer

The industries that regulate it

If you’re looking for career advancement, you might consider a field that’s more likely to offer real—rather than “silent”—advancement. According to our survey respondents, engineering (77%) and government (73%) are the two industries most likely to promote their employees regularly. Employees also report regular sales promotion in architecture and construction (69%), legal services (69%) and associations and non-governmental organizations (68%).

To really increase your occupational happiness, consider joining the field where employees thrive the most. If you’ve ever thought about selling homes, you might be pleased to learn that real estate (75%) topped our list of thriving industries. Two industries that appeared in our top five for regular sales promotion also made the top five for thriving workers: nonprofits and non-governmental organizations (71%) and architecture and construction (66%). Other industries where workers report thriving include finance (69%), art and design (67%) and technology (66%).

what can you do

A quiet promotion does indicate that a real sale is on the way. However, if that promotion never comes, you may need to ask your manager why and what you can do about it. If your career has stalled despite asking for feedback and making changes, you may need to formulate an exit plan. While jumping ship is never easy, in the end you may find it more than worth it to find an employer who respects you – and rewards you accordingly.

Whether you’re staying in the same field or trying a new one, reading employee reviews online and asking the right interview questions can help you find your happy place. Ask how the employer rewards the employee’s achievements, what the work-life balance looks like and how the company invests in your career development. According to our survey, these factors create a winning workplace combination that may help you “quietly thrive.”

This guest post was written by Kelly Mason

Kelly Mason He is COO and co-founder of JobSage, an employer review platform focused on what matters most to today’s job seekers and professionals. Kelly has been nationally recognized in Forbes 30 Under 30 for her work as a leader in workplace diversity and inclusion, and has spoken and written extensively on the topic.


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