Tell Me About Yourself – Career Development Partners

Most interviewers start interviews with the question “Tell me about yourself?” The answer to this question is often included in the initial impression of the recruiting authorities and can often lead to your removal or screening in the interview process.

You will be asked this question and you should practice your response so that you are comfortable with your answer. Instead of dreading this question, role-play your response with others and adjust your answer based on the feedback you receive. It’s better to be overprepared than to have your answer sabotage your interview.

I will address the following three topics:

  1. What employers are looking for in your answer
  2. How to effectively craft your response
  3. Great comments continue

What employers are looking for in your answer…

The answer to this question has eliminated many qualified job seekers from serious consideration. When you hear this question, you’re probably wondering where to start, and what exactly this hiring authority wants to hear. The answer to this question is much more than a chronological breakdown of your experience. Interviewers are looking for a consistent story that provides an indication that you are a good fit for their opportunity.

How to effectively craft your response…

You must answer and pass the following two things:

First: Give the recruiting authority a sense of who you are and where you’re going. Emphasize why the opportunity you are applying for represents a culmination of the skills, experience and talents you have acquired from your past employers. You want the hiring authority to understand that your experience thus far has prepared you for the responsibilities and challenges of their position. You can make this point gently when answering questions.

Watch: Highlight specific examples of previous work experience or education that prepared you for the offered opportunity. Focus this part of your answer on your achievements and the impact these achievements have had on past employers.

The most important thing to emphasize is the following:

  • Challenges you have faced and dealt with successfully
  • Projects you have successfully completed
  • Past learning experiences relevant to this specific opportunity

It is effective to show the relevance of your past challenges, or completed projects to your high level of interest in their role. Also emphasize the confidence you have in your ability to do the job.

Share enough details without embellishing. Your answer should not be longer than two minutes, unless the interviewer interrupts you with questions. Your response should be short and concise.

Be careful not to ramble or talk too much. You don’t want to review every job you’ve held or why you left previous positions. This information will be revealed by the following questions you will be asked during your interview.

Great follow up comments…

Throughout the interview you want to position yourself as the perfect person for his opportunity. Your interview is an “audition for the part” and not a fact-finding mission. At the end of your interview, you want the hiring authority to feel confident that you can do their job effectively and provide them with a strong return on their investment if hired. If you are asked a question that you do not understand, ask for clarification. Your responses should always focus on the recruiting authority’s WIIFT (what they have). It is wise to write down questions in advance that will help reveal each person’s priorities during the interview process. If you are not asked if you have any questions, it is wise to ask the interviewer if you can ask some questions.


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