Unlock Your Potential With The FREE Career Decoder Quiz!

Are you ready to take the first step towards unlocking your true professional potential?

If so, we invite you to take this incredibly accurate career assessment quiz.

The career decoder quiz will help you determine what your character is in the workplace. This means you will get a sense of who you are as a working professional and what makes you thrive at work. You will discover how you like to create value and what your professional strengths are, which will help you find the right career for you.

Here are some examples of what your persona could be:


Visionaries are big-picture thinkers and come up with ideas to motivate others to action.

Do you: able to design a vision for those who do not see the possibilities?

Can you: Do you see the end before the beginning? Are you able to assess from a bird’s eye view?

Do you: Do you have long-term thinking and chart your course accordingly?


Workplace optimization figure

Optimization tools evaluate, analyze and map improvements that directly save or make money.

Do you: Someone people rely on to make sound financial decisions?

Can you: evaluate a business or project and immediately see ways to save or make money?

Do you: Get satisfaction from knowing your work makes your business more profitable?


Constructive workplace persona

Builders execute a plan, manage all aspects, keep it on time and on budget.

Do you: An expert in your field with a lot of practical experience?

Can you: Put a plan into action and work through roadblocks until its completion?

Do you: Like to focus on ways to do things better, faster, cheaper, etc.?


An educator's workplace personality

Educators close knowledge gaps and ensure staff are clear about their roles and goals.

Do you: Good at organizing thoughts for oral and written communication to motivate and train others?

Can you: Got hold of an idea and chose the right method to convey it?

Do you: Excel at puns and use communication skills to guide conversations?

So what’s next?

A man on a computer takes the Work It Daily career decoder quiz


There are a total of eight personas in the workplace. which one are you

If you want to learn what your dominant character is in the workplace, and how it affects your ability to find career success and satisfaction, check out this free career assessment quiz.

Seriously, knowing who you are as a working professional and what makes you happy at work will help you succeed in your career or job search.

Don’t waste another day without knowing your professional strengths. Take the Career Decoder Quiz to unlock your potential today!

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