Update Your Interview Wardrobe and Outlook on the Job Search – Blog Job Hunting Career Management Solutions

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Seasonal affective disorder affects about 5% of the population and up to 20% of people can relate to some level of the winter blues or seasonal depression. When your job search has been going on for months, hitting that slump when the temperatures drop and the colors fade to winter gray can throw off your job search game.

If you need a little pick-me-up as summer winds down, you’ll love these tips for updating your interview wardrobe and practicing self-care:

Add some colorful pieces to your wardrobe

Color is one of the key elements of your environment that is pumped out in the winter months. You may have noticed a trend of colors in people’s wardrobes and decor becoming equally muted or boring. While some people love earthy colors and look forward to pumpkin and cinnamon everything, others feel overwhelmed and down.

Find some lighter colored accents and tops to add to your wardrobe. Placing them before an interview will lift your spirits and maybe even help you stand out in a bold, bright and positive light during interviews – even if they are virtual.

Wear an uplifting fall fragrance

This tip may not work for everyone. But if you like wearing scented products, you can try changing your fragrance in the fall and winter months. It can work the same for candles or diffusers in your home as well.

We tend to turn our noses blind to our everyday smells. Trying something different, especially if it has homeopathic properties that are known to elevate moods, such as essential oils and certain herbs, can stimulate serotonin and dopamine levels.

Try a new haircut or color

Fall and winter are great times to try something new with your hair. New cuts, colors or just accessories can boost your confidence and your mood. You’ll have plenty of time to grow your hair into a fresh summer style.

If you can afford to go to the hairdresser, the experience of getting out of the house and getting excited can help you recharge a bit. You can even make new networking connections while mingling that can help you in your job search.

Spend one item that increases your confidence

Money can be scarce when you are out of work. Waste means different amounts of money for different people and different life circumstances. It should never be beyond your means, but it doesn’t hurt to take a few bucks and treat yourself.

It could be your visit to the hairdresser for a new hairstyle or the luxury earrings you’ve been saving up for. It can also mean going to the local thrift store and looking for a designer suit at a bargain price. The cost is not as important as doing it without guilt, because it makes you feel happy and safe.

Invest in mood light

There are countless brands on the market in all price ranges, but they are definitely worth the investment if you suffer from seasonal affective disorder. In fact, they help boost your mood and offer countless other health benefits even if you’re not feeling the effects of the winter blues.

The light stimulates vitamin D production by simulating sunlight without the harmful effects of UV rays. You can make a few minutes in front of the light part of your daily routine or just use it as a pick me up when you need it.

drink more water

When we sweat in the summer heat, we naturally drink a lot of water. But when the winter months roll in, we often neglect to consume enough H2O to keep our brains and bodies functioning at peak capacity. Just 2% dehydration can impair your memory and cognition by 5%. So, keep a water bottle nearby at all times and track your water intake to make sure you’re feeling your best.

Moisturize and massage

Proper hydration will play a big role in how healthy your skin is, but adding a moisturizing routine can boost your mood while improving your skin. Face and hand massages, in particular, have been shown to reduce stress and anxiety and improve sleep.

Realistically, you can massage without moisturizer to relax muscles and reduce stress, but it doesn’t hurt to add it to your daily routine to make it a habit. Applying an SPF moisturizer every morning gives you natural sun protection and massaging soothing oils into your skin before bed helps prepare you for meditation and can help you fall asleep faster. Not to mention your skin will look and feel great.

Adding a few steps to your self-care routine and a few updates to your wardrobe and appearance can reset your entire outlook on the job search. These tactics work any time of year, but keep a pulse on your mental health when sweater weather rolls around.


Make health and wellness part of your job search

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