Why Do You Want This Job? (3 BRILLIANT ANSWERS)

why do you want this job (3 brilliant answers to this tough interview question!)

In this powerful job interview blog, we give you 3 brilliant, high-scoring answers to the tough interview question, “Why do you want this job”! This is one of the 10 hardest interview questions to get right, and it will come up during your job interview.

We will tell you the number one reason why the interviewer is going to ask you the question, “Why do you want this job?”. There is a specific reason why this question is being asked, and you need to know what it is to give the perfect answer.

Then, we’ll give you 3 brilliant scripted answers to the question.

Finally, we will then give you a brilliant example script to use at the very beginning of your interview when the hiring manager asks you the “Tell me about yourself” question. This script will really help get your interview off to a flying start!

“Why do you want this job?” Answer 1

“I want this job because I already have the skills and qualities to match the job description. I want this job because I’m really passionate about this type of work, which means I can add value to your company and get a lot of job satisfaction at the same time. I also want the This job because I want to work in an ambitious and driven company like yours that wants to achieve great things.”

“Why do you want this job?” Answer #2

“I want this job because it’s at your company. You have a great reputation, you’re innovative and forward-thinking, and I’ll get to work on exciting projects with like-minded professionals. I also want this job because I have the transferable skills, which means That I can hit the ground running in a role and make an immediate and positive impact. We spend a lot of time at work, and I want that time to be put to good use for a great company in a role that I’m very passionate about!”

“Why do you want this job?” Answer #3

“I want this job because my skills, experience and qualifications are all suitable for this type of work. Work is such an important part of my life and I want to do work that I love for a company that supports its team and wants to be a market leader. I am ambitious, I am positive about change and I love To work with people who have a can-do attitude. Everything tells me that your company’s values ​​are very compatible with mine, and I will get a lot of satisfaction working here for many years if I succeed.”

At the very beginning of your job interview, the hiring manager will tell you, welcome to the interview, “Tell me about yourself.” It is imperative that you make a positive first impression, and demonstrate good manners because this will give you confidence for the rest of your interview.

We’re going to give you the script for the question as well 3 smart questions to ask at the end of the interview It’s guaranteed to impress the hiring manager!

“tell me about yourself”

“Thank you for giving me the opportunity to interview for a position at your company today. I have many strength that match the job description and will help add value to your company. I am a great organizer and planner of my work, a very fast learner, and one who collaborates seamlessly with everyone on the team.

I am full of motivation Alive by being fit and healthy, which means my concentration and energy levels are always high, and I want to do a great job for my employer, because then I can provide for my family and we realize our goals and ambitions.

I have a track record of achievement. Not only did I gain excellent educational qualifications, I helped my last employer increase company sales by helping them promote their products to a wider audience on social media.

God image I have among friends and my former co-workers are positive, and they would describe me as reliable, loyal, hardworking and someone who takes ownership of challenges and problems. If you hire me, I will be type of employee which is always improving and developing, and I will be a positive model for society in all my roles.”

3 great questions to ask at the end of your interview!

At the very end of your job interview, the hiring manager will tell you, “This is the end of the interview, do you have any questions for us?

The questions you ask could be the difference between passing or failing. If you ask questions about vacation, work benefits, or even their staff turnover rate, you could end up hurting your chances of success.

So, let me now give you 3 brilliant questions to ask at the end of the interview that will definitely impress the hiring manager. starting…

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