5 Soft Skills You Will Need as a Trained Phlebotomist

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Phlebotomy is a rewarding career in the healthcare field. When on the job, phlebotomists help providers by drawing blood, labeling the vials, and sending them to the lab for analysis. They work in hospitals, research facilities, clinics and doctor’s offices and must receive training to do their jobs safely. during Phlebotomy training, students also need to learn some soft skills to support their patients, especially those who are afraid of needles and worried about test results. Without these soft skills, students will struggle entering the medical field.

1. Show compassion

A phlebotomist’s job is to draw blood, but every phlebotomist should understand that many people have anxiety and worry related to their time in the chair. They may have a fear of needles, or they may be worried about test results. Phlebotomists should show care and compassion To people who see them regardless of the reason.

2. Communicate effectively

Anyone who works with the public should have communication skills. People are nervous when they have their blood drawn, and good doctors must clearly communicate what they are doing and why. Communication doesn’t just mean talking to people, it involves listening, so phlebotomists listen to their patients and take care of their needs. It is also helpful for phlebotomists to keep their body language friendly and gentle. They should not roll their eyes or respond with body language that could be easily interpreted.

3. Stay positive

People who are confused about blood and needles need to have people around them who support their fragile situation. Phlebotomists see blood and work with needles all day, so they don’t think twice about them. On the flip side, their patients usually don’t see their blood pooling in vials or experience needles in their arms. A positive attitude can make the people in your care relaxed and ready for the procedure. With a positive attitude, procedures go quickly and people are less prone to nervous moments.

Communication doesn’t just mean talking to people, it involves listening, so phlebotomists listen to their patients and take care of their needs.Click to tweet

4. Stress management

There will be moments when the stress of work makes certain days less bearable. Maybe you have patients who struggle with the process or kids who move around too much, making it difficult to do your job. Instead of getting angry and lashing out at your patients or colleagues, phlebotomists should learn how to get through these difficult moments and provide exceptional patient care. There may be moments when you need to work quickly, especially if you work in an emergency department or have patients waiting for treatment.

5. Working with a team

Most phlebotomists do not work alone in a medical setting. They may have their own space with a special chair, but they usually have to work with office staff, communicate with lab technicians, and report to a nurse or doctor. During your training, you will learn how to do this work with a teamand how to communicate with each other to achieve your goal of providing outstanding patient care.


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