How to Write a Post-Interview Thank You Email (2022)

Writing a short, professional thank-you email after an interview can strongly impact the success of any job search. It’s a small note that takes only minutes to write. And can separate you from other candidates, encourage progressing to the next steps of the process, and build a professional network.

Why write a thank-you note?

There are multiple surveys and research that support why sending one is critical:

  • TopResume: A survey by TopResume showed that 68% of employers and hiring managers say writing a short thank-you note post-interview matters. In addition, they mentioned 16% of interviewers rules out a candidate if they didn’t send a thank-you email.
  • CareerBuilder: In a survey by CareerBuilderonly 57% of candidates sent a thank-you note after their job interview.
  • Robert Half: 80% of hiring managers agree that receiving thank-you emails after an interview is helpful in the hiring process.

31% of qualified candidates did not send follow-up emails after their interview.

It takes about 5 minutes to complete this note. Job seekers should spend a few minutes sending one once the interview is complete.

after a second interview, a thank-you email example

When to send your thank-you email/thank you letter

It’s best to send your thank-you email message within the first 24 hours of completing your first interview, even if your interview was on a Friday.

Presume the interview took place at 3 pm on a Friday. Send an interview thank you note immediately after the interview.

The hiring manager might have more interviews to perform. Regardless, they’ll see your email, and it can help show enthusiasm and excitement for the job opportunity.

How to Write a Short Thank You Email After an Interview

Here’s how to write a practical and short interview thank-you note.

Pick a clear and short subject line.

Decide on a clear email subject line that the hiring manager will remember. Try one of these subject lines:

  • Thanks for the interview yesterday
  • [Company name] is fascinating to me
  • Thanks for walking me through the job yesterday
  • [First name] It was great to meet you
  • [Job title] sounds amazing
  • About my dream job

Your email subject line is not a place to put jokes, puns, or any other type of informal communication. Stay professional.

thank-you email example

Thank them for their time

Being respectful is a great way to enter the company. Be polite and thank the interviewer for their time. You could work with this person in the future. Why not start the relationship on a strong note?

Be personal

Use the hiring manager’s name when addressing the email. Speak to them directly. And be sure to email them directly. If you don’t have their contact information, speak with the recruiter or human resources person who put you in touch with the interviewer.

The purpose of the thank-you email is to build a more personal connection with the employee that interviewed you. And show your appreciation to them.

It’s vital to refresh the interviewer’s mind on who you are, why you’re interviewing, and what went well during the interview itself.

Pick something specific that was mentioned in the job interview.

Note-taking can be impactful here. It’s best to take notes during job interviews. And highlight critical points discussed in the interview.

Ask about the next steps.

It’s great to be forthcoming about what comes next in the hiring process. By doing this, it shows enthusiasm for the job. Asking something like, “What else can I provide to be helpful and move forward to the next steps?” is a great way to show your passion for the position.

Here is an example:

I am looking forward to hearing the next steps in the interview process. Very excited about this opportunity!

thank-you email example

Be positive and passionate.

Positivity and passion go a long way. It’s one of the main things that you might be evaluated on during the phone interview or in-person interview. It’s not necessary to go in-depth on the enthusiasm; show interest in moving forward with the company.

Most job seekers forget to scour the company website for clues! Including a note about the company culture if the company website references something critical. For example, collaboration or inclusivity. Mention those as being part of your values.

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Include contact information

Including contact information can be helpful. Attach your resume once more, send links to any completed projects that you’re proud of, your LinkedIn URL, personal website, and include any professional references you might have.

Doing this provides the interviewer with all the necessary information to evaluate your candidacy.

Close the email professionally

Closing an email professionally can go a long way. Say something positive once more towards the bottom of the email. Put a call to action if available. And use a professional greeting.

Use a salutation like:

  • Thank you so much!
  • Best regards
  • Warm regards
  • Cheers

What to do in a panel interview/group interview

Take each person’s business cards or contact information in the panel interview. And send a separate thank-you note to each person who attended the group/panel interview. Never send a group thank-you email to everyone involved.

Be sure to do this for an interview where multiple interviewers or multiple people asked you interview questions.

thank-you email example

Key mistakes to avoid

When writing your post-interview thank you email, avoid these common mistakes.

Writing snail mail

Avoid a thank you letter. An email can get to the interviewer faster. While some resources suggest that the wedding planning and legal industries still appreciate handwritten notes, we live in a fast-paced digital age (2022 and beyond).

While they are both considered a very traditional industry, it’s best to focus on writing an email within 24 hours of your interview. A handwritten note sounds nice.

Most modern companies use email now; it’s best to use email versus mailing the note.

Waiting too long

Anything past 48 hours is too long. It doesn’t show the enthusiasm or passion that the interviewer will be looking for.

Pro tip! Send the email immediately after the interview is complete. It’s not too eager, contrary to what you might think.

thank-you email example

Not following up

Didn’t hear back about the next steps in the interview process? Then follow-up to the thank-you email and ask for an update on the status of the position and the job placement.

A follow-up message should be sent if you haven’t heard anything from the prospective employer within 3 to 5 business days.

Writing a long email.

Keep the message short; it should be only a few sentences. Provide information that can help with the hiring decision, but don’t be pushy! You are using your own voice rather than following some script.

Not leaving a good impression.

The best way to do this is to forget to send a thank-you email! Don’t be like the other job seekers; write your thank you email and make sure it’s sent within 24 hours!

Using an informal greeting

Don’t start the email by saying, “Hey!” The entire email format should be business-formal. Even the greeting should be formal. Use “Dear” rather than “Hey.” As an example, “Dear John.”

Use a formal greeting like the following:

  • Dear [Interviewer’s Name]
  • Hi [Interviewer’s Name]

thank-you email example

Thank You Email Examples (Sample Thank You Emails)

Sample thank you notes and templates to help you write your own.

Short Interview Thank You Email Example

A short thank-you note is excellent for any type of interview. Including a zoom interview or in-person interview.

Dear Rob —

It was really awesome meeting with you today and discussing the role of Software Engineer at Apple.

From our conversation, it sounded like functional leadership was a big part of this role. And I feel I could make a valuable contribution to those efforts. My previous experience at Facebook makes me well-prepared for this.

I’m attaching my resume, references, and a few URLs to check my work.

Let me know if I can be helpful, and look forward to moving the process forward. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Or, if you need additional information, don’t hesitate to ask.

Thanks so much, Rob!


thank-you email example

Phone Interview Thank You Email Example

Not too different from the sample email earlier.

Dear Ian —

I can’t thank you enough for spending time with me over the phone and discussing the opportunity at Apple, Inc. It sounds like an incredible opportunity to learn about Product Management and how technology will advance with younger demographics.

My previous work experience in the education space makes me an excellent fit for this role.

I’m including a few of my projects and references below. Or, if you have any further questions, let me know! Let me know how I can help move forward in the process.

Thank you so much, Ian!


thank-you email example

Second/Final Interview Thank You Email Example

After a second and potentially final interview, it’s best to follow up and show interest in moving forward with the job offer. In this third sample email, it’s best to recap the entire interview process.

Dear George —

I want to say how incredible the entire interview experience has been. We’ve had the opportunity to cover what the company is looking for and how the job title will differ from other positions.

I have been nothing but highly impressed with the team during this entire process.

I wanted to reach out and tell you I appreciate what we’ve done together.

I look forward to hearing from you and the team after you’ve had the opportunity to review me as a candidate.

If there’s anything else I can provide, please let me know. I would be happy to speak with the HR representative running this placement if there’s anything I need to answer.

Thanks again, George!


thank-you email example

Thank-You Email Template

Don’t copy and paste this template verbatim. Make sure to rewrite this in your own voice, making sure that every single word makes sense based on the interview. Refer to the thank-you note examples above.

Dear [Interviewer Name/First Name Last Name] —

Thank you so much for taking the time yesterday/[insert day] to speak with me and get me involved in what [Company Name] is working on. It was a pleasure talking with you. I sincerely appreciate your taking the time.

It sounded like my previous experience with [Company] and [Industry] makes me a qualified candidate. I feel confident my contributions could be meaningful for [Company Name]. I would love to continue to move forward with the company.

A few skills I could bring to this role include [Skill] and [Skill].

Included below are a few examples of my work and recently completed projects.

I look forward to hearing feedback as soon as you have any updates on the position. And hope we can move to the second interview as quickly as possible.

Thanks so much [Interviewer Name],

[Your full name]

[Your phone number]

[Your signature]

thank-you email example

Additional Resources

Favorite Resources

Our favorite resources are included below.

Job interview resources

Resume and cover letter resources

Job search resources

free interview question and answer full guide

Interview Question and Answer Guide (PDF)

Download our full interview preparation guide. Complete with common interview questions and example answers. Free download. No email required.

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